Stretch your mind

I’ve been home a few days now and so far I’m loving it. Today I met one of my Mum’s friends – the obnoxiously loud one who has everything to say – and you know, I really like him. While it’s hard to get a word in edgewise, he is very educated and has a lot of knowledge. What can I say, I’m a sucker for a person with a lot of knowledge. He talked about everything from Linguistics (because he was so excited that I studied it and was trying to impart his knowledge of it onto me), to politics, economics and religion. People who stretch your mind are the best kind of people, so don’t resist them! You don’t have to agree or believe everything but take something and ponder on it, it will make you that little bit wiser. He has inspired my curiosity and reminded me of the importance of reading books, so I think I’ll go to the library tomorrow.

Good night, Kind readers. Stretch your mind and your world will grow.