by ~k-lia on deviantArt

Good morning, glorious being.

I hope you slept well. I hope today is bright for you, regardless of the weather. As my university club once told me, there is no bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.

Life is about perception. You can look out a window, see rain and think to yourself “UGH, It’s RAINING.” Or, you can look out the window and think “Look, it’s raining.” Why does rain have to be a bad thing, people? It waters your plants and makes them grow, it is the source of much drinking water and without rain we would not be here. Without rain our food crops would fail. So why is rain so bad? There is no reason you can’t do you groceries or go for a walk in the rain, that’s what we invented raincoats for! You may not be out flying a kite, but isn’t that a good excuse to bond with your family playing board games that haven’t been dusted off for years. Or to cuddle up with your partner and have some sort of profound discussion on the topic of your interest.

Life is about perception and life will always seem like it’s getting in the way if you let it. There is a solution to every problem and life was made to be embraced, not endured. Every one of us encounters troubles, but it isn’t about the troubles, it’s about what you do with them. You can scream and cry and sulk when someone bothers you – if you want to – but do you really want to? Or you can respond calmly and happily and save you both the heartache. When you choose, as I have chosen, to be less sensitive and more agreeable, you will find it serves you well. Choosing not to fight and not to struggle makes every situation easier. When you encounter a long line at the supermarket has your anger and frustration ever helped move it faster? I very much doubt it. All you achieved is making your own mood worse. When I am faced with such a long line, I just calmly wait in it. It’s much more pleasant, I promise you. The ability to be calm (or at least neutral) is a choice well within your reach.

So why are you bothered by the rain? After all, it’s just rain. Use your experiences to help you grow, just as the rain helped you grow tall with the food and water it provided.

So tell me. Is the rain at your house the gods urinating all over your plans, or is it just feeding the Earth’s inhabitants? Change your perception, change your life. It really is that simple – as long as you choose to make it simple.

Has the Rain in Your Life Got You Down?