What makes a good person

by =JeanFan on deviantArt

A friend I haven’t spoken to in awhile just told me “You are a good person”. I strive to be the best person I can possibly be and I feel like it’s my mission to make a positive difference, but hearing these words felt strange, wrong almost. I strive to be a good person – and as far as I’m concerned, being a good person is a 24/7 thing – but what is it that really qualifies someone as a good person? Is it not a matter of perception? For instance, to a lot of people joining the defense force is a good and noble thing to do, but being the idealist that I am, I disagree. To me it looks like an encouragement for war (even though it’s called the Defence force, I’m not really buying it). If I could cease all war and abolish the need for defense forces at all, I would. Though I think most people would also.

What do you think makes someone a good person? Is it morals, or manners? Is it words or actions? What is it? Leave a comment and tell me what you think makes a good person.

One thought on “What makes a good person

  1. Kami Alise says:

    Hmm… That a really good question!(I love this post btw!!) I too strive to make a difference in this crazy world and try to be the best me I can be. Change someones day just by telling them how cute their hair looks, or by not making everything you do benefit yourself. Be the good! (I’m curious what others think makes a “good” person lol… what am I doing wrong?!)

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